ChatGPT-Next-Web code updates quickly, but the provided client is only released once a week. If you want to use the latest features, you need to build the desktop client yourself. Here is a record of the building process.
Conclusion: Do not cross-compile Tauri programs, otherwise it will become unfortunate.
conda activate node
git clone --depth=1 -b main --single-branch
cd ChatGPT-Next-Web
npm install -g yarn
npm install
# conda install -c conda-forge rust
curl -sSf | sh
yarn tauri info
Modify Configuration#
# Modify the default mask in app/masks/cn.ts
# Modify the default model in app/constant.ts
# Modify the default settings in app/store/config.ts
Build Application#
export PATH=$HOME/.cargo/bin:$PATH
rustc --print target-list | grep 'x86_64'| grep 'windows'
rustup target add x86_64-pc-windows-gnu
(Outside the container) sudo docker-compose exec code-server apt update
(Outside the container) sudo docker-compose exec code-server apt-get install gcc-mingw-w64-x86-64
yarn tauri build --target x86_64-pc-windows-gnu
Network Error: Error encountered in the status line: Connection reset by peer
- Solution for Windows
- I have no idea where to install NSIS-ApplicationID on Linux. Setting up a regular proxy doesn't work, and there are too many changes required for a transparent proxy, so I gave up.
- Finally finished downloading, don't know why
needs to be run on Linux.