


[Record] Setting up Hexo on GitHub

Install Hexo#

conda activate node
npm i hexo-cli -g
hexo -v
hexo init
npm install

Configure hexo-deployer-git#

  1. npm install hexo-deployer-git --save
  2. echo > source/CNAME
  3. Create a repository named <github usrname>
  4. Create a gh-pages branch in the repository
  5. Modify the settings in settings/pages as follows
  6. Build GitHub file acceleration
  7. Follow the instructions of hexo-deployer-git to obtain a token
  8. Edit _config.yml and add the following content
  type: git
  repo: https://oauth2:[email protected]/xxx/
  branch: gh-pages
  token: ghp_xxxxx
  name: [email protected] # Register email for Github
  email: [email protected] # Register email for Github

Configure butterfly theme#

npm install hexo-theme-butterfly --save
npm install hexo-renderer-pug hexo-renderer-stylus --save
mkdir scripts && touch scripts/CDN.js
  • Edit _config.yml and modify the content as follows
theme: butterfly
'use strict';
const { filter } = hexo.extend;

// Replace CDN
filter.register('before_generate', () => {
    const { asset } = hexo.theme.config;
    for (const name in asset) {
        asset[name] = asset[name]
            .replace('//', '//your-own-proxy/');
}, 99);

Generate and deploy the website#

  • rm -rf .deploy_git && hexo c && hexo g && hexo d

Domestic proxy acceleration#

Backup blog#

  • Edit .gitignore and add _config.yml
git init && git branch -m main
git remote add origin https://oauth2:[email protected]/xxx/
git add . && git commit -m 'backup' && git push -u origin +main

Demo address#

Additional Waline to MongoDB#

  1. Create a free M0 database on the MongoDB official website, select Singapore as the region, and allow to access
  2. In the Waline project on Vercel, change the Region to Singapore in Settings/Functions
  3. Record the connection information in the MongoDB connection, with the following options
  4. Select Drivers as the connection method, Driver is Node.js, Version is 2.2.12 or later
  5. Enter the Waline management background, export the data
  6. Delete the LEAN-related environment variables in Vercel, and add the MongoDB connection information according to the instructions
  7. In Vercel/Deployments, select the appropriate branch, click the three dots next to it, and select Redeploy
  8. Enter the Waline management background, re-register, and import the data
npm i hexo-filter-links --save
  • Add configuration to _config.yml
  enable: true
  field: "post"
    - ""
    - "*" # Supported in version 1.0.4 and above
Ownership of this post data is guaranteed by blockchain and smart contracts to the creator alone.