The differences between remote desktop accessed through the web and HTTPS are minimal, so you can set up a remote edge browser accessed through the web to bypass New Bing's (mistaken) IP detection.
Setting up kasmweb-edge#
mkdir -p ~/app/edge && cd ~/app/edge && nano docker-compose.yml
sudo docker-compose up -d
# Default account: kasm_user
# proxy_set_header Authorization "Basic a2FzbV91c2VyOnBhc3N3b3Jk";
version: '3.3'
restart: unless-stopped
shm_size: "512m"
- VNC_PW=password
- APP_ARGS=--start-maximized --no-sandbox
image: kasmweb/edge:1.14.0
external: true
name: ngpm
Reverse proxy for edge#
Nginx Proxy Manager has an issue with passing Authorization headers, so you need to intercept the corresponding authentication in your browser and add it to the header. Afterwards, set a new authentication in Nginx Proxy Manager.